Board of Directors

Sheldon Lyn (Chair)

Sheldon is a partner in McKinsey’s Southern California office where he works with companies in consumer, technology and media to transform their performance. He serves on the boards of The Peace Studio and The San Diego Economic Development Corporation.

Caree Banton (Vice Chair)

Caree is an Assistant Professor of Afro-Caribbean History at the University of Arkansas who is jointly appointed in History and African and African American Studies. She received a MA in Development Studies from the University of Ghana in July, 2012 and completed her doctoral work at Vanderbilt University in June, 2013.

Lennox Channer (Treasurer)

Lennox is Group Vice President of Accounting and Administration at the Jamaica Broilers Group of Companies. He previously served as Chairman of the National Housing Trust (NHT). Lennox holds a Master of Science in Decision and Information Sciences from the University of Florida (Fulbright Scholar 2002) and a Bachelor of Science in Actuarial Sciences from the University of the West Indies. He is a past student of Munro College and his interests include watching sports, exercising, reading and cryptic crosswords.

Lisa Franklin Banton (Secretary)

Dr. Lisa Franklin-Banton is the primary consultant pediatrician at WeRKids Paediatrics Center in Kingston, Jamaica, She gained her qualifications through a four-year post-graduate degree (Doctor of Medicine) in Paediatrics at the University Hospital of the West Indies (UHWI), Mona, Jamaica. She is the immediate past president of the Paediatrics Association of Jamaica (PAJ) and served two prior roles as the Vice President and the Treasurer.

Jamel Banton

Jamel is the Managing Director of Smith Warner International where he leads with a vision for growth. As a senior Coastal Engineer with over 25 years of experience, he has been at the forefront of resilient coastline protection and beach development in the Caribbean. He is a registered Professional Engineer, Jamaica; holds a BSc Civil Engineering (Hons) University of the West Indies; MSc Coastal Engineering and Port Development, IHE Delft, Netherlands; MBA, Florida International University, USA.

Shawn Banton

Adrian Campbell

Hastings Green

Lennox Jackson

Lennox is Director of Space Programs at Lockheed Martin. He is a skilled leader proven in high profile executive roles and on senior leadership teams, effective in working with business partners to develop and drive the strategic and operational roadmaps needed to sustain and grow the business.